Shure Incorporated (Companies)

Widely acknowledged as the world's leading manufacturer of microphones and audio electronics, Shure has designed and produced many high-quality professional and consumer audio products that have become legendary for performance, reliability, and value.  Shure’s diverse product line i

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Understanding Phantom Power For Microphones August 2nd 2018 - 08:00 AM

Understanding Phantom Power For Microphones

Phantom power is normally described as electrical current running over the same cable that carries the mic’s audio signal. All non-battery powered professional microphones with active circuitry need this power to operate. But as with most pro audio topics, it’s a bit more complicated. Here is a description of

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Equipping An Audio Studio Beyond Recording Gear June 29th 2018 - 08:00 AM

Equipping An Audio Studio Beyond Recording Gear

When making a checklist of essential equipment for a recording studio, most prospective buyers cite only the gear that handles the audio. In many cases, little attention is paid up-front to non-audio staples that are needed by every studio. These “comfort” items tend to send many budgets over the top. &hel

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How to Make Microphones Perform at Their Best June 14th 2018 - 09:00 AM

How to Make Microphones Perform at Their Best

Microphones — depending on the owner — either are treated gently or with abuse. This treatment often extends to how the microphone is used. There is a big difference between shouting mindlessly into a dynamic mic in a small club and recording pristine audio in a studio. Here are some tips on how

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The Era Of The Virtual Microphone May 31st 2018 - 09:00 AM

The Era Of The Virtual Microphone

Since the beginning of pro audio, connoisseurs of classic microphones have invested in rare, aging instruments that are said to bring a certain magical quality to the sound. Since many of these vintage mics are quite old, they incur an increasingly high level of costly maintenance. Most of the rest

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Shattering Old Myths About Audio Recording May 22nd 2018 - 09:00 AM

Shattering Old Myths About Audio Recording

Those of us who have grown up doing professional audio recording establish certain rules of the road that we learn and tend to never forget. The problem is — over time — new technology makes these our old rules obsolete. Here are some common old-school myths that we now all need to for

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Creating a Low Cost Studio on a Tight Budget May 4th 2018 - 01:00 PM

Creating a Low Cost Studio on a Tight Budget

With the few recording studios now for only the rich and famous, many organizations want to take advantage of the streaming media landscape with low-cost podcasts and web presentations. Fortunately, high-quality gear is now available that can be easily set-up in any office, home or other space. Here’s some g

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