If industry reports are to be believed, Apple is poised to release a mixed-reality headset at some point in 2023. Of course, it’s anyone’s guess when Apple’s Reality Pro will actually see the holographic light of day, but one thing is worth noting: The advent of a mas…
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Delivering high availability cloud for broadcast production and transmission environments requires engineers to think in terms of resilience from the very beginning of the design.
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The three new models, MPP 100, MPP 200 and MPP 300, extend the PRISM family of software-defined monitoring instruments to address post-production users requiring high-end production video formats like 12-bit RGB for 4K/UHD applications in both SDI and IP.
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Newsbridge will demonstrate how it is leading the charge for innovation with new AI- and cloud-based solutions for media asset indexing and archiving. Newsbridge provides broadcasters, TV channels, and sports rights holders with fast, efficient, and scalable solutions for the ingest, storage, management, and monetization of content.
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Many NAB Shows visitors don’t realize that some of the most valuable technical information released at NAB Shows emanates from BEITC sessions. The job titles of all but one speaker in the conference are all related to engineering, technology, development and research.
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Zixi will be demonstrating a broad range of exciting new product updates and unparalleled live video delivery performance running over the Zixi Enabled Network, the industry’s largest ecosystem, at this year’s NAB show. The Zixi Enabled Network consists of over 1000 media companies and 400 technology partners globally exc…
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At the NAB Centennial, WorldCast CONNECT will be showcasing many new features, including upcoming version 5.0 of Kybio. Each new feature is developed to provide users with extra control, more insights, and to improve efficiency and user experience.
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Achieving higher levels of scalability and flexibility demands a hybrid approach were microservices run in the cloud, on- and off-prem. Also, common APIs hide the complexity of the infrastructure from the user to provide a seamless operation.
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Master Control and automation systems have been at the heart of broadcast television facility for decades, ensuring that content—programming and advertising spots—gets to the right place at the right time. And while they have served the industry well in that time, these once state-of-the-art systems were com…
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