Independent feature film “Down with the King” was shot with Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K digital film cameras, relying on their dual native ISO to capture the majority of the film only using natural light.
DR and TV2 team-up with Rohde & Schwarz and Qualcomm for live 5G Broadcast distribution during Tour de France in Copenhagen.
Mundial Church, one of the leading houses of worship in Brazil, recently produced a remarkable live event, broadcast across the country thanks to Caton Technology and partner Elitte Telecom.
La Casamurada has expanded its recording arsenal with a pair of The Ones 8361 three-way coaxial monitors.
LG U+ has selected Media Links MD8000 Media over IP Transport technology for the delivery of content across its nationwide media network. KBS – Korean Broadcasting System will be using Media Links technology in the LG U+ network to deliver media services across the Korean peninsula.
The Technische Hochschule Lübeck – University of Applied Sciences – has upgraded its recording studio to more object-based immersive mixing, thanks to Genelec Smart Active Monitoring.
TDF, based in Paris, has recently added 8 DIGIDIA FlexiDAB multiplexers and more than 50 encoders to their digital transmission head end.
Re-recording Mixer James Wichall serves as a dialogue editor for various TV and film projects including the children’s TV series Teletubbies and Bot and the Beasties and independent and short films, including Fantastic Beasts and Trainspotting 2. To help support his busy lineup of mixing projects, James relies on NUGEN…
Brazilian IT media services company, MDotti Tecnologia, has chosen Cinegy Capture PRO for a major upgrade it has delivered to Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão (SBT), Brazil’s second largest broadcaster.
Long-time LiveU user and UK-based production company Over Exposed, turned to LiveU once again to create dynamic, viewer-engaging and highly cost-effective, 5G remote production coverage of the recent, iconic Vitality London 10K run.