Apple ProRes RAW recording will be enabled from Sony’s new full-frame mirrorless camera Alpha 1 via the Atomos Ninja V. It will record ProRes RAW images from the camera’s RAW output at up to 4.3Kp60.
Updates to Dalet’s transcoding platform in a v11.9 release, include ‘significant performance gains’ and a new browser interface. There’s also built-in support for audio normalization specialists, Emotion Systems.
The plugin allows direct encoding of more formats from DaVinci Resolve Studio, eliminating the need to work in a separate application.
Mo-Sys Engineering and HYPER Studios have created the first virtual production system with data-driven sports graphics.
Bitcentral is showcasing its long-standing commitment to innovation and investment in its robust software solutions with the latest versions of Central Control, its comprehensive and fully integrated master control and automation software, and its browser-based Create editor.
T-TAP Pro is a portable Thunderbolt 3-connected device that simplifies UHD and 2K/HD/SD monitoring and output over 12G-SDI and HDMI 2.0.
Telestream’s 10th acquisition creates what it calls – and who can argue? - a market-leading presence in the global M&E market’s content storage and management segment.
GB Labs, provider of storage products for media and entertainment, has joined the Wasabi partner network for accessing the latter’s Hot Cloud Storage, a model for storing data to which rapid and affordable access is required.
Germany’s Maxon has completed acquisition of forger, a digital 3D sculpting and texture painting application for iOS.
Cobalt Iron has been granted a US patent entitled “Data Protection Automatic Optimization System and Method” describing new capabilities for its Cobalt Iron Compass enterprise software-as-a-service (SaaS) backup platform.