Helping Slash OB Production Costs September 8th 2014 - 02:30 PM

TV 2 Norway airs the program Sommertid (Summer time)as a key part of the summer schedule. This live 1-hour program runs 4 days a week for 9 weeks during the summer months. Traditionally the TV 2 Sommertid program was shot on the roof of the TV 2 facility house. For 2014, TV 2 decided it would…

The Integrated Network September 3rd 2014 - 10:05 AM

Integrating optical and copper transport of A/V and IP signals. Optical transport has been a mainstay in the broadcast and production industry for decades. The introduction of optical transport made a huge difference sending content over long distances. It solved the challenge of moving content within boundaries of cities,…

The Critical Campaign to Safeguard C-band September 2nd 2014 - 08:40 PM

Envision this future headline: “Public Outcry as Final Minutes of World Cup Soccer Lost Due to Wireless Interference”. While this may seem impossible in today’s world, it could very well become a reality if the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) favors the reallocation of some C-band spect…

Video Description August 29th 2014 - 02:59 PM

Improving accessibility of content through Video Description. The accessibility of media to partially sighted audiences may be enhanced by provision of additional information in the form of audio narrative track. An audio description of the video content is called “audio description” or “video description” in country-dependent nomenclature. Traditionally, a trained ‘describer…

The Essentials of Video Transcoding August 21st 2014 - 03:47 PM

This paper gives an overview of the transcoding basics you’ll need to know in order to make informed decisions about implementing transcoding in your workflow. That involves explaining the elements of the various types of digital media files used for different purposes, how transcoding works upon those elements, what c…

HEVC Demystified: A Primer on the H.265 Video Codec August 21st 2014 - 03:26 PM

The most recent non-proprietary video compression standard, High-Efficiency Video Codec (HEVC), also known as H.265, was placed into final draft for ratification in January 2013 and is expected to become the video standard of choice for the next decade. As with each generation of video compression technology before it, HEVC promises…