The State Of Film June 17th 2022 - 09:00 AM

On one hand, film might seem dead. On the other, the last few months have seen a flurry of activity which is emblematic of a wider interest in the field that’s continued ever since the technology fell out of mainstream use. It’s been suggested that photochemical origination is set…

HDR: Part 3 - Grading June 16th 2022 - 09:30 AM

Almost since photography has existed, people have pursued ways of modifying the picture after it’s been shot. The “dodge” and “burn” tools in Photoshop are widely understood as ways to make things brighter or darker, but it’s probably less widely understood that they refer to techniques for exposure control tha…

HDR: Part 2 - Brightness Encoding May 27th 2022 - 01:00 PM

Dealing with brightness in camera systems sounds simple. Increase the light going into the lens; increase the signal level coming out of the camera, and in turn increase the amount of light coming out of the display. In reality, it’s always been more complicated than that. Camera, display and p…

HDR: Part 1 - The State of HDR May 18th 2022 - 12:50 PM

Over the century or so we’ve been making moving images, a lot of improvements have been dreamed up. Some of them, like stereo 3D and high frame rate, have repeatedly suffered a lukewarm reception. Other things, like HD, and even sound and color, enjoyed more or less universal acclaim.

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