Waves: Part 9 - Propagation Inversion May 25th 2023 - 09:00 AM

As a child I came under two powerful influences. The first of these was electricity. My father was the chief electrician at a chemical works and he would bring home any broken or redundant electrical parts for me to tinker with, dismantle and occasionally repair.

Waves: Part 8 - Shock Waves April 26th 2023 - 10:00 AM

Shock waves are interesting phenomena that take place in a number of different media. For an arcane physical process, they have done quite well to be adopted by the mainstream media as one of their clichés, along with Mae West life jackets and aircraft black boxes (which are orange).

The Back Of The Brain May Soon Rule The Roost March 22nd 2023 - 10:00 AM

If industry reports are to be believed, Apple is poised to release a mixed-reality headset at some point in 2023. Of course, it’s anyone’s guess when Apple’s Reality Pro will actually see the holographic light of day, but one thing is worth noting: The advent of a mass-produced AR he…