Filmmakers New Mantra: “Fix It On Set” July 29th 2019 - 09:00 AM

Virtual set (VS) technology has been used by broadcasters for decades to create new types of sets, complete with 3D effects and (more recently) augmented reality graphics that can be changed for different styled programs and to help the on-air presenter tell their stories better.

The Move Towards Next Generation Platforms July 25th 2019 - 03:42 PM

Whenever I’m asked about my opinion on the transition to IP, I always state that the impact can’t be appreciated until its history is understood. This brings into context the need for broadcasters to educate and surround themselves with those who have in depth knowledge and understanding of the…

The Basics of Using a Microphone July 17th 2019 - 10:00 AM

In this era of personal video and sound recording, it might sound ridiculous to say that many people don’t know how to properly use a microphone. But it’s true. Whether spoken word or a vocalist singing, learning some basic microphone techniques can significantly improve results.

Streaming War Heats Up Around Low Latency July 10th 2019 - 11:00 AM

Streaming wars are associated in the public mind with the intensifying battle for supremacy between Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Apple and a few others in the SVoD (Subscription VoD) field, but it also applies to the contention heating up between underlying protocols for low latency transmission of video over the Internet.

The Art of Microphone Placement July 9th 2019 - 09:00 AM

With all the high-tech wizardry available today to manipulate sounds in the studio, microphone placement reigns as the most important way to get quality audio recordings. With the right placement of mics, most other electronic sound tools are not needed. Yet, not enough engineers, producers and artists understand the value…

NextGen TV: What’s In It For Me? July 8th 2019 - 10:00 AM

TV is changing, again. Color, hi-fi, stereo, VCRs, DTV, HDTV and flat panel displays were all significant technology achievements, affordable for all TV viewers, with obvious benefits and near-overnight popularity. Viewer and station benefits of moving to the incompatible ATSC 3.0 system and NextGen TV are interesting, but a bit less…

Loudness for Audio Producers July 8th 2019 - 08:00 AM

Wild variations in the levels of program audio has long been a problem for broadcast outlets. Due to controversy over varying audio levels, governments have forced broadcasters to specify specific loudness levels for all programming. In this article, we’ll look at how audio has moved beyond traditional types of l…