Sports viewers are less likely to cut the cord than average yet consume more content on smart phones as well as on social media.
HDR Profiles - Pros & Cons.
An obstacle to HDR adoption has been figuring out how legacy SDR TVs should display an HDR signal. There are about 1.6 Billion TV sets world-wide and 300 Million TV sets in the US.
Formula 1 (F1) is pushing ahead with its global exodus from FTA (Free To Air) broadcasting despite concerns over falling audiences.
Following a rash of 4K UHD products that hit the market two years ago, cameras with high dynamic range (HDR) capability also began to emerge as a less costly alternative to improving signal quality. Indeed, HDR had a strong showing at the 2017 CES, with different TV manufacturers pledging support for…
Optical disks rely totally on the ability of the pickup to follow and focus on the data track. It is taken for granted that these mechanisms are phenomenally accurate, work at high speed despite being made at low cost and need no maintenance.
Live NextGenTV demos at the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials Show reveal multiple new tools to enhance critical public safety communications.
UK media regulator Ofcom is calling for a review of public service broadcasting in the light of its report finding rapid growth in streaming viewing, especially among Millennials.
Transitioning to IP improves flexibility and scalability, both of which are achievable using COTS IT equipment. But can COTS solve every challenge? Or does broadcasting still have some unique and more demanding requirements that need further attention? In this article, we look deeper into the specifics of IP networks for…
HDR is a technology that is evolving quickly on the Professional and Consumer side. Like all new technologies, the devil is in the details. There is confusion about the technical aspects of which HDR technique and implementation are best for a given situation.
Humans create their art with the materials available in the era they live in. When French workers created the 151-foot tall Statue of Liberty in the 1870s, they used copper, iron and granite for construction. Five years ago, when a new generation of workers began creating the Statue of Liberty…