Why On-Camera Filters Still Matter January 16th 2020 - 09:00 AM

We live an era of immensely powerful post-production tools with advanced color-correction and software plug-ins to serve every conceivable function. We can routinely remove guy wires from scenes, change day to night, and add just the right amount of coral or other color to fit any desired mood or impulse.…

Sensors and Lenses - Part 2 January 13th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Last time, we talked about the history that created modern digital cinema technology, and particularly the factors which lead to the modern push for ever larger sensors. It’s been going on in some form for twenty years, to the point that we’re now asking for bigger imagers than cin…

Future Production January 10th 2020 - 09:00 AM

It’s not controversial to say that film production in London has been booming for a few years, and there’s no real secret as to why: in 2006, Gordon Brown’s government introduced tax incentives that have played at least a part in provoking a doubling of production spend since 2009, and t…

Exploring The Cutting Edge Of Broadcast Control January 9th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Broadcast control systems have become a necessity to provide a unified and efficient user experience in a notoriously fast-paced environment involving IP edge devices and network infrastructures; baseband video routers and switchers; audio routers and mixing consoles; multiviewers; intercom systems, etc. Which system qualifies as the definitive “broadcast whisperer”?