VSF RIST Spec On Road To Wide Implementation May 19th 2020 - 09:30 AM

In 2017, at that year’s VidTrans conference a regional gathering of members of the Video Services Forum (VSF), a new protocol for delivering audio and video over lossy IP networks (including the public Internet), was born. It was an idea that many had been skeptical of, since the open Internet b…

Winners And Losers In Lockdown Video Lottery May 13th 2020 - 09:00 AM

The first set of quarterly financial results during the lockdown has given the clearest indication yet of what impact the crisis is having on sectors and individual companies in the video services and broadcasting sector, with a stark divide between winners and losers, but with all players affected in some…

HDR: Part 9 - An Introduction To ACES May 12th 2020 - 09:00 AM

It’s one thing to be confronted by a big pile of technology and to be confused by it. It’s another to know something about that technology and conclude that things could be a lot simpler than they are. That’s the reaction a lot of people have to color…