HRTF stands for Head Related Transfer Function and, simply put, is a catch-all term for the characteristics a human head imparts on sound before it enters the ear canal. Everything from level tonal changes caused by our head, shoulders, and pinna (external ear parts), to arrival-time differences (Interaural Time Difference,…
Before pandemics and the downsizing at traditional, broadcast news operations, many news and non-fiction DOPs were already assuming a significant role in post-production. Whereas frame rates, f-stops, and the character of our lenses, once formed the backbone of our expertise and practice, DOPs in the non-theatrical realm increasingly find ourselves…
Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding (LCEVC) is gaining traction faster than any other video compression standard as it approaches final approval by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG).
The Cloud is the future of live TV production.
The requirements for data transmission have changed out of all recognition since the early days of computing where the goal was simply to make something that worked. Today that’s the easy part.
The familiar “Faster, Higher, Stronger” motto is not just for Olympic athletes but also applies to the common man (and woman): The first black-and-white television sets were considered a sensation until color TV came along, opening a whole new dimension to the viewing audience. In parallel, cinema screens grew ever tal…
For a long time, selecting camera gear has been fairly easy. For twenty years, digital cinema cameras have never quite had everything we wanted, and the choice often boiled down to comparing the compromises. That’ll always be true to a degree, but for the last year or two it’s f…
Tests in Washington D.C. ABC and FOX affiliate newsrooms will reveal the first data on new NextGen TV systems and workflows.
Warning: Live TV production troubleshooting contradictions can trigger cognitive dissonance.
Liberty Global, the cable group owned by American magnate John Malone, is set to acquire Swiss telco Sunrise Communications for CFR 6.8 billion ($7.4 billion), subject to shareholder approval.