TV audience measurement has been moving steadily from households to individuals in line with the decline in family viewing around the big screen and rise in OTT consumption on connected devices.
As the number of channels for OTT delivery continues to grow, monitoring these channels in a highly automated way has become paramount to ensuring a good Quality of Experience for the viewer. To deliver QoE that’s as good as linear TV broadcasts, the entire system—from ingest to multi-bitrate enc…
By sheer count of productions, the Indian film market is possibly the world’s largest for film in terms of admissions. On average, the country’s cinemas see more than 1.5 annual admissions per capita – and with a population of nearly 1.4 billion, that’s a lot of capitas – with more than 1600 features …
With the proliferation of Ethernet networks and computers in the video world, many media companies are replacing traditional dedicated video links like satellite and microwave with Ethernet-based infrastructures. This is being done for internal contribution applications as well as for delivering content directly to the consumer.
It’s hard to object to raw recording. The last thing anyone wants is for the creative intent to be adulterated by unfortunate technical necessities like compression, and the flexibility of raw makes for… well. Let’s admit it: better grading, but also easier rectification of mistakes after the fact, to th…
Any experienced master control operator or quality control manager will tell you that monitoring hundreds of feeds requires that each individual channel is delivered reliably, on time and to the exact location it was meant to go. When these signals are distributed over the public internet, strict protocols must be…
There was a time, not too long ago, when 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100GbE) IP switching was only considered for IT data centers moving large amounts of financial and military data. With the growth of media and the urgent need for remotely controlled production infrastructures, 100 Gb/s is no longer a far…
Broadcasters are famous for adjusting to changing circumstances during live broadcasts without missing a beat. Live radio DJs roll with the punches. Live TV news reporters, newscast directors, engineers and technicians move or cut away as fast as possible. It comes with the territory and it’s in our DNA. T…
The latest displays looking to gain a footing in the studio production arena are made from a technology known to mobile phone developers called organic liquid crystal displays (OLCD). It’s now being tested for dynamic set elements where video can be wrapped around and on top of a set p…
Oversampling is a topic that is central to digital audio and has almost become universal, but what does it mean?