The history of computing has been dominated by the von Neumann computer architecture, also known as the Princeton architecture, after the university of that name, in which one common memory stores the operating system, user programs and variables the programs operate on.
The advantages of digital audio for recording purposes are clear, but once in the digital domain, productions steps also need to be carried out. Recorders don’t care about the encoding method, which is instead optimized for production purposes.
KVM (keyboard, video, mouse) switching and KVM extension provide access to critical IT assets. They might be deployed to give desktop users access to multiple computers from a single console, keyboard, and mouse, or implemented by facilities to enable distribution of high-quality video, audio, and peripheral signals across networks and…
The FCC’s recent Report and Order supporting Distributed Television Systems (DTS) is yet another reason for broadcasters to be excited about ATSC 3.0’s new revenue potential.
Spending a few weeks in southern Italy is a popular idea. For cinematographer Angus Hudson, BSC, an opportunity to soak up the Puglian sun would come in the form of The Life Ahead (in Italian, La vita davanti a sé), a film directed by Edoardo Ponti and starring Sophia Loren …
TV stations are great places to work, and talented technical people like the stability. The longer they work at a station, the more difficult they are to replace when they retire.
After years of trial and error designed to reduce operating cost and (more recently) keep crews safely distanced, remote production has found its niche in live production and will remain the de facto method for producing events over a distributed network infrastructure. However, a big hurdle left to overcome for…
As one of the last industry events to be held in person last year, the HPA Tech Retreat is going virtual for this year’s gathering of an elite group of broadcasters, production, and post-production professionals. The Hollywood Professional Association (HPA) holds this event every year and it has become o…
DVB has added watermarking as an option for signalling where targeted ads or other content should be inserted within linear broadcast streams. This is an update to its DVB Targeted Advertising specification originally unveiled in November 2019. The addition is aimed particularly at linear broadcasts delivered to internet connected TVs via…
With the pandemic’s alarming numbers now decreasing, news anchors have carefully begun reporting from the studio again, albeit in separate parts of the building and socially distanced. However, the IP-enabled technology and remote workflows developed by equipment vendors across the industry during the worst of it have endured and w…