The technology used to create deepfake videos is evolving very rapidly. Is the technology used to detect them keeping pace and are there other approaches broadcast newsrooms can use to protect themselves?
John Watkinson continues his exploration of the potential for a true motion tv system that requires the complete removal of frame sampling to make each pixel a continuous representation of the image thus removing motion artefacts.
Ned Soseman gives us a rundown of some of the trends in US regional TV stations and what the biggest budget items have been in 2023.
Moving beyond the use of three primary colors could significantly increase the range of colors we can reproduce. There is no doubt it could improve the viewer experience but what are the barriers to adoption?
To be useful for information purposes, electromagnetic radiation needs antennas. It’s a large subject with many specialist areas.
A self-described “technologist” at heart, Louis Hernandez Jr. knows an emerging trend when he sees one and likes to ride the wave as long as possible. Trained by his father, a computer science teacher, with his formal undergraduate and MBA in finance, he became a technology entrepreneur in the mid-1990s w…
The FCC recently announced plans for national EAS tests. The first EAS test was on 9 November 2011 at 2 pm EST. The result was that approximately half the participants didn’t receive the test message for myriad technical reasons. It took the Commission five years to develop a better EAS plan. Is i…
Having considered all of the vital elements of moving image coding this final part looks at how these elements were combined throughout coding history.
Having looked at the traditional approach to moving pictures and found that the portrayal of motion was irremediably poor, thoughts turn to how moving pictures might be portrayed properly.
Quantum Computing is still a developmental technology but it has the potential to completely transform more or less everything we currently assume regarding what computers can and can’t do - when it hits the mainstream what will it do to broadcast?