Esports has the big advantage of working from the ground up when delivering productions. Backwards compatibility is unheard of and legacy equipment is something for other people. But how does this lack of legacy help broadcasters?
The DVB Project plans to support linear TV broadcast over 5G by Q3 2022 after approving commercial requirements for DVB-I service support.
Filmmaking is not usually a weekend pursuit, but a sufficiently clever script can make a wide-ranging story happen in a very contained space.
The Tokyo 2020 Olympics is giving Japan the perfect stage for showing off the quality of 8K broadcasting, even if the Games are a year late and muted in their impact by the lack of crowds and controversy over staging them at all at a time of a Covid-19 surge in…
There is no doubt that esports is here to stay. The scene, while very fluid, is absolutely in the mainstream now. It’s not easy to find absolute consensus among the various reported numbers, but if you had to put a pin in the map, it looks like esports is s…
Broadcasters are no longer faced with the binary choice of going down the SDI or IP routes. The hybrid method of using TDM (Time Domain Multiplexing) combines the advantages of distributed networks with IP and SDI to deliver a fully integrated solution that helps broadcasters working across multiple technologies.
For most of its history, film and TV work has, by any sane measure, been incredibly complicated. Photochemical film was a nightmare of precision engineering and process control. Digital alternatives, intended to make things cheaper and simpler, involve some of our highest-performance electronics.
The conversion of monochrome TV to color was quite a trick, but it came at a cost.
IP is well known and appreciated for its flexibility, scalability, and resilience. But there are times when the learning curve and installation challenges a complete ST-2110 infrastructure provides are just too great.
We live in fascinating times: increasingly, we live in the era of cloud-based broadcast operations.