The need for synchronization rears its head in so many different endeavors that it has to be accepted as one of the great enabling technologies.
Digital filters are ubiquitous. That has happened because they have significant advantages over the technology they widely replaced.
Sitting at home watching the Olympics 400m Women’s hurdles final live on NBC’s 4K HDR channel, home audiences were captivated by the sweat and effort displayed on screen with immersive sound of the runners’ feet hitting the track. Viewers thousands of miles away could be excused for thinking they …
The count according to ATSC as of 10 August 2021 indicates NextGen TV is reaching 35% of all US households on 148 NextGenTV channels in 41 US markets. Another 8 markets are expected to sign on new NextGenTV channels by the end of summer 2021. 48 more markets are listed as ‘Coming Soon.”
Esports is demonstrating how agile mindsets can provide flexible and scalable solutions within relatively short timescales. But as more software solutions become viable, esports is taking advantage of the cloud and its offerings.
Still photo lenses find their way into film and TV work via many different routes and for many different reasons. It’s happened so much that the prices on some popular options have risen precipitously in recent years. Are there still good deals to be had?
Though mostly a publicity stunt, Major League Baseball’s Field of Dreams Game live telecast on August 12th proved to be a hit for everyone involved—including the Fox Sports team and production company Game Creek Video—tasked with putting it on.
A new non-profit group is about to launch for the CDN (Content Delivery Network) industry, aiming to provide more consistent media transport with greater resilience against the outages that have recently afflicted some of the world’s major CDN providers.
Although it may seem that remote production was born out of necessity to address a growing demand for distributed workflows amidst global lockdowns, it was already gaining momentum prior to the pandemic, which accelerated the trend. But why is remote production so attractive, and what is the broadcast industry doing…
With over 4000 signals to distribute, transfer and route, the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) proved to be this year’s showpiece for Riedel’s TDM based distributed mesh networked system MediorNet. Understanding the intricacies of such an event is key to realizing why TDM is such a powerful solution.