Why do I need a consultant? August 12th 2014 - 09:38 AM

A great question that deserves an effort at a really good answer. Speaking as someone who has spent their entire professional career as a consultant I believe the main reason to engage a consultant is for our wit and charm. Okay, let’s look at some better and more compelling b…

Hard Questions About Hardware August 11th 2014 - 05:14 PM

Pay TV companies and Telcos are trying to tackle three big questions (1) How to stay relevant (2) How to respond to OTT Services and (3) How to reduce the OPEX and CAPEX costs of STB’s and other hardware. In this paper we examine the choices for virtual services, software, dongles, STB’s a…

Who Needs Lens Coatings? August 7th 2014 - 03:27 PM

Considering the compromises inherent to any complex lens we shouldn’t be surprised by the shortcomings in most low-cost optics. Chromatic aberrations, lack of sharpness, poor contrast to the corners, and inferior or nonexistent lens coatings, are significant drawbacks that can negatively impact our images, especially when viewed at high m…