The business of selling television and radio transmission antennas in the United States is at a standstill, though the global business is stronger. Antenna tower builders, however, remain busy — switching from broadcasting to the booming cellular telephone business.
With the FCC’s upcoming auctions of broadcast spectrum, wireless microphones not only face technology challenges, but political ones as well over the next few years.
Television viewing habits throughout the world are undergoing major change. A new report from Ericsson finds that streaming video is closing in on linear TV with a gap of just two percentage points in terms of weekly consumption.
Slow motion was originally a staple of motion picture production. It was a simple process — each film frame was captured at a speed much faster than it was played back. When replayed at the normal speed of 24 frames per second, time appeared to be moving more slowly.
The US has belatedly permitted six film companies to fly unmanned craft while the UK has dozens.
You never know who is watching, OR Making money by giving.
Most audio professionals over 50 years old have lived through an era of extraordinary change. They began their careers using precision hardware-based sonic tools designed to capture and process sound in large studios with real musical instruments. Now, they can work almost anywhere on a portable computer with low-cost workstations and…
In Part 2 of this series on Compression Technology we learned how Motion Vectors are generated when motion estimation is employed as the first step of creating P-frames and B-frames. In Part 3 we’ll learn how these motion vectors are used to generate Predicted Frames.
The future of digital video is expanding in all directions; from the size of the living room TV, the depth of content selection, and to the different types of devices which serve content. A culmination of technologies is brewing that is bringing an IMAX1-esque experience into the living room.
Drones, UAVs, call them what you will, the impact of these remote controlled flying machines on the broadcast industry is growing steadily, with estimates being that around three quarters of the operators involved in the rapidly developing UAV sector in the UK are capturing images for marketing or broadcast purposes.…