In part one of this series, we looked at why machine learning, with particular emphasis on neural networks, is different to traditional methods of statistical based classification and prediction. In this article, we investigate some of the applications specific for broadcasters that ML excels at.
Some call it the Broadcast Core Network, or Broadcast Internet, or One-to-Many Private Datacasting. Others simply call it datacasting.
Founded in 2001, Blackmagic Design is based in Melbourne, Australia, with offices in Fremont and Burbank, Calif. in the U.S., as well as Manchester, England, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Signal transducers such as cameras, displays, microphones and loudspeakers handle information, ideally converting it from one form to another, but practically losing some. Information theory can be used to analyze such devices.
This second part of our Master Control mini series tackles COMMS - without which we would have chaos.
We begin our series on things to consider when designing broadcast audio systems with the pivotal role audio plays in production and the key challenges audio presents.
LL35 is a “If you build it, they will come” attempt to attract the young gaming community to live streaming and TV content.
The transform is a useful device that has some interesting characteristics. On one side of a transform we might have the spatial domain, for example data describing an image in terms of brightness as a function of position. On the other side we might have coefficients describing the spatial frequencies…
Cloud native processing has become a real opportunity for broadcasters in recent years as the latencies, processing speeds, and storage capacities have not only met broadcast requirements, but have even surpassed them.
Open Caching is still relatively young. In fact, it is about 10 years younger than the first major introductions of D2C Broadcaster services like BBC iPlayer.