Archiving In The Digital Age June 26th 2015 - 08:20 AM

In 2007, it was estimated that the planet had stored 275 zettabytes (or 10 to the 1021) of data - the equivalent of a stack of CDs reaching from earth to beyond the moon! And in a single generation, our planet will add more information than in all of recorded history, some 40 trillion gigabytes…

Professional AoIP for Broadcast June 22nd 2015 - 01:00 PM

Today’s standard industrial IT infrastructure has already overtaken the technology of AES/EBU, MADI and TDM routers in terms of performance, cost and flexibility. The rate of development of IT systems, fuelled as it is by a multi-billion dollar industry many times the size of the broadcast industry, is c…

The Wireless Mic Dilemma June 22nd 2015 - 10:17 AM

Perhaps no equipment category will be more negatively affected by the upcoming FCC spectrum auction of U.S. airwaves than wireless microphones. For manufacturers of such wireless products, which have relied on a certain spectrum band to operate effectively for years, the impending channel changes have caused a slump in…

Viewpoint: IP, the fast lane to TV everywhere? June 22nd 2015 - 08:02 AM

It is inevitable, that once content becomes separate from the carrier, a transition that has already taken place, data networks will replace baseband.With the transition to digital essentially complete, we now get to reap the benefits, and havoc, that media freed of any physical carrier brings with it.

Audio Monitor Setup Guide June 17th 2015 - 12:55 PM

The right monitors, the correct setup, proper sound. In this guide to the setup of audio monitor loudspeakers, find out about the listening area, how to place monitors for the best results, and how to improve the room acoustics.

Make Love…Not War June 17th 2015 - 11:00 AM

Broadcasters across the globe are adopting the 1960s slogan ‘Make Love – Not War’ and using its essential message to underpin a revolution in the way they are organising their staff, technology and buildings. A new era of intense internal collaboration is being seen as a key tactic in their efforts to re…