​MAM is Alive and Kicking… August 5th 2015 - 11:00 AM

In response to our series of commentaries questioning the future of the current generation of asset management technologies, we have had a response from Pronoloy, a vendor with a different perspective. It says reports of MAM’s death are greatly exaggerated.

MAM is Dead. Long Live Media Logistics—Part 3 July 29th 2015 - 08:04 AM

In the third and final part of BroadcastBridge’s MAM feature we contend that MAM as we’ve known it is dead and that today’s broadcaster and content delivery firm want a media logistics solution which encompasses all ingest, production, distribution and archive with rich metadata including rights. If…

Differentiating OTT Services July 23rd 2015 - 08:09 AM

OTT services are taking off with increased rates of growth driven by more content, more devices, more subscribers and more advertisers. In the last 12 months alone, OTT has grown to $9-12 billion in global revenues, with $1.9 billion of those revenues coming from emerging markets, according to a report from PWC.…