Last month’s IBC highlighted multiple examples of 8K television equipment. In addition, research firm IHS says global 8K TV shipments will approach one million units in 2019. No matter whether your response is “balderdash” or “fantastic” it makes sense to run a sanity test on this claim because the technology will af…
At this IBC vendors pushed the Cloud and IP-related technologies. Terms including; SDN, SDVN, NFV, NTP, PTP and SDS have become the buzzwords du jour. What does all this mean to the guy needing to build a facility?
Refinements in the computerization of professional audio are making it easier for sound operators to mix more complex shows with multiple microphones in environments with more background noise.
Over the years, content creators and broadcasters have accumulated large libraries of assets in analog formats. With the switch to the digital workflow, there is a critical need to digitize all these assets before they are lost and for the monetized value they represent.
Frontline uses innovative new satellite antenna to enable dual-band capability on the ViaSat network, allowing safe switching from Ka-band to Ku-band from inside the satellite vehicle.
Let’s face it, there are only a small handful of points in time where our entire industry shifts and pivots in fundamental ways that change it forever. I believe we are at the precipice of one of those rare industry-defining moments. An example of a similar moment in the p…
Object storage is not a magic bullet that can solve every archive problem. Even so, it is much easier to maintain and more effective than tape-based models in today’s “always on” content-driven society.
Software was the big winner across the board at the recent IBC 2015 in Amsterdam. This was especially true for video encoding, highlighted by the two major acquisitions of Elemental Technologies by Amazon Web Services and Envivio by Ericsson within the space of a week.
Cloud solutions are cost and capacity-prohibitive, argue LTO Program Representatives Shawn Brume (IBM); Terry Cochran (Quantum) and Laura Loredo (HP).
Anyone who wandered through IBC hall 7 this year might be led to believe that everyone is peddling the same wares. As vendors we all have a sign somewhere on our stand saying we specialize in IP solutions for broadcasters. While Video-over-IP is a big buzzword in our industry, it’s i…