Dolby Atmos Prepares For Live Broadcasts June 17th 2016 - 10:00 AM

Since 2012 many moviegoers have been captivated by the nearly two thousand theaters throughout the world that have installed Dolby’s 3D immersive sound system called Dolby Atmos. Since then Dolby has worked to also make the technology available for live broadcasts, home theater systems and even stereo headphones.

What Is Required To Create The Perfect Picture? June 15th 2016 - 01:50 PM

Viewers want big displays and big displays look their best with new UHD 4K content. While the content is being developed today, producers still grapple with difficulties and challenges facing them as they create new UHD 4K images. That quality level must soon become as common the HDTV equivalent.

Video Transport: SDI vs IP—Timing Is Everything June 7th 2016 - 09:00 AM

Moving video around a broadcast or media facility is a key requirement and fundamental to the operation. When media is transported the signal is open to induced errors, typically through noise, distortion and interference. The time frame of the error may vary between a few pico-seconds and many seconds. It…

Be Your Own OTT Mogul June 6th 2016 - 12:05 PM

Traditional broadcasting faces increased competition from heavily funded network-based channels. But now, there are new, smaller and much lower-cost ways for content makers to get their message to an audience. Enter NomadTV, a company that builds low-cost OTT services for any niche audience.