For more than two decades audio professionals have relied on peak meters to monitor and adjust audio levels. The problem with peak reading meters is that, while they are great for warning against the potential for overload in a channel, they are also a terrible indicator of loudness as the…
Everyone wants to migrate from SDI to IP production, and NewTek has provided the technology to do it—for free!
The broadcast industry is talking increasingly about the importance and role of cloud technology. Perhaps a related question should be asked, “Is the cloud ready for prime time?”
In this new series, John Watkinson discusses loudspeakers from several aspects including; how they work, the way they are perceived by the listener, the psychoacoustics of speakers. We’ll conclude this multi-part series by considering the psychology of selling and owning them. As with any technology, myths abound. If, in t…
ATSC 3.0 and the FCC repack are big bets on the future of over-the-air TV. Are there ways for TV stations to improve their odds of winning the jackpot?
The ATSC intends to develop test procedures to assure a quality ATSC 3.0 viewing experience and interoperability between Next-Gen receivers and broadcast content.
There is a lot of discussion about implementing facility-wide all IP infrastructures. Even so, there are good reasons why selecting hybrid SDI/IP video/audio over IP gear offers a smoother and more cost-effective transition to the all-IP future.
Facebook’s over statement of video consumption for the last two years has sparked fresh calls for independent measurement of viewing across all the major Internet platforms. It has also highlighted once again the challenges involved in conceiving a metric that fairly and accurately represents the relative value of views a…
Increasingly, flash cards are the storage media of choice for video recording. Though mostly reliable, a lot can go wrong with flash memory — most commonly human error in handling the media. An expert explains how to avoid catastrophic problems when using flash cards.
Is IT, the acronym for Information Technology, still meaningful when it comes to operating media networks?