Re-Imagining Routing Switchers December 9th 2016 - 10:00 AM

As the mission of television stations evolves, the underlying technology of routing video, audio, data, sync, time of day, tally and metadata through broadcast plants must also evolve. But does that mean you need an all IP infrastructure? Maybe not.

New Wi-Fi Band Equates To A New IP Link December 7th 2016 - 01:50 PM

The 5 cm band is essentially the top half of the 5 GHz Wi-Fi band. Until recently, its use was restricted because of potential weather radar and military RF interference. New dynamic frequency selection (DFS) technology is opening these wide bands for exciting new physical layer (PSY or layer 1) uses, such as…

The Evolution of Video Distribution December 7th 2016 - 10:00 AM

Denying that the video and content distribution industry is evolving at an astounding pace, is like trying to convince someone that the earth is flat. While this evolution is creating significant distribution challenges for content owners and distributors, it is also providing some exciting opportunities for those who embrace it.…