Over the past decade, video cameras have shrunk. As cameras have gotten smaller, so have the camera support systems used in professional production. Now, there are many substitutes for using a traditional tripod and head on location.
In the last article on Cloud Broadcasting we looked at the concept of “Cloud Washed” and “Cloud Born” and the considerations vendors must look at when delivering true cloud systems. In this article, we look more at resilience and cloud system up time.
Video-on-demand (VOD) is here to stay. Almost two thirds of respondents to a Nielsen study of more than 60 countries say that they now watch some form of VOD content. The rise of over-the-top (OTT) video delivery has itself been astonishing. Simply put, traditional ways of watching TV have been changing…
The Hollywood Professional Association (HPA)’s annual Technology Retreat has been a mainstay of the TV broadcast and production and postproduction communities since 1993, when it was run by the International Teleproduction Society; offering presentations, panel discussions, roundtable conversations, and working demonstrations of technologies currently in use and those that are o…
What’s the difference between mic and line level audio? If you think this basic question is overly simple, you might be surprised to learn that many people working in pro audio today don’t know the difference. An explanation is in order.
There are more than 2.7 million adverts for devices that play out illegal streams of live content on e-commerce websites like Amazon, eBay and Alibaba according to research by Irdeto. The value of the billions of dollars broadcasters and content owners spend on live sports and entertainment content is undermined by…
When using different microphones, some models require less gain than others. In layman’s terms, that means some mics are “hot” or especially “loud” while others are not. In technical terms, this is “sensitivity.” But what does it mean and why does it matter to the sound recordist?
Reality cookery show My Kitchen Rules finally hits the US on 12 January, with five celebrity couples showing off their culinary skills to each other and two professional chef judges. Because the action takes place in the contestants’ homes, the production teams had to build facilities on site and use wireless…
Implementation of software in public clouds might not be as straightforward as it seems. Outdated software licensing models restrict one of the fundamental advantages of cloud systems, that is their ability to grow and shrink as the dynamics of the business demands, sometimes by the hour.
Today — for all but a few well endowed recordists — the new studio is in a home, office or makeshift location. The era of big, professionally-designed recording studios is mostly history. With this new reality comes the need to treat the acoustics of rooms never designed to be studios. It can be …