LTO-8 Specifications Announced November 1st 2017 - 10:00 AM

Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM and Quantum, all suppliers of Linear Tape-Open (LTO)-based storage products for the media and entertainment industries, have announced the specifications of the latest LTO Ultrium format, generation 8, which is now available for licensing by media manufacturers.

Network Architecture for Studio Video Over IP October 30th 2017 - 09:00 AM

In an article in the August issue title “Ethernet Basics for Studio Video Over IP,” I gave an overview of studio video over IP (SVIP) in the uncompressed domain using Ethernet. That article covered Ethernet basics such as subnets, multicasting, virtual local area networks, bandwidth considerations, and the Open Systems Int…

Cloning Classic Microphones October 23rd 2017 - 11:00 AM

Few devices in professional audio evoke as much emotional attachment as microphones. Many of us grow up (and older) with favorite mics and refuse to give them up — even after they are past their useful lives. So the question is often asked, can a microphone’s magic be revived with a m…

Cloud Broadcasting - Free Software October 19th 2017 - 05:00 PM

As well as providing functionality, tangible products present the opportunity of adding worth through their aesthetic appearance, cost of manufacture and development expenditure adds to the perceived barrier to entry for other vendors, and combined with low volumes, the cost to broadcasters has been traditionally very high.

Cloud Is Not Just For the Enterprise October 19th 2017 - 01:00 PM

Virtualization and cloud computing is taking us back to the architecture of the mainframe era. A thin client, maybe just a browser, provides the user interface, and the processing takes place at a central location. The co-location of processing and media storage gives the performance needed in a post-production environment.…