Broadcast For IT - Part 1 - Introduction December 11th 2017 - 11:00 AM

In this series of articles, we will explain broadcasting for IT engineers. Television is an illusion, there are no moving pictures and todays broadcast formats are heavily dependent on the decisions engineers made in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Understanding broadcast video and audio is a lesson in history and backwards com…

DPP - The Live Explosion December 8th 2017 - 09:00 AM

Away from traditional broadcasting a revolution is happening. Live internet streaming is taking the world by storm with unprecedented viewing figures and improved accessibility for brands looking to reach better targeted audiences. The Live Explosion, hosted by the DPP in London and enabled by Dropbox, presented three live streaming experts…

HDMI Hikes Rates—Boosts Bandwidth for UHD December 5th 2017 - 12:05 PM

A quick look at the lens to display pipeline highlights some trivial-seeming bottlenecks that place important constraints on motion imaging systems. One of these is the connection to the consumer display. The announcement of HDMI 2.1 is key to advancing to 4K and beyond, with additional support for HDR, and increased…

Viewpoint: Simplifying The User Experience December 4th 2017 - 01:00 PM

Television remote controls used to be simple devices; channel up, down, volume up, down and power on, off. Today, a television remote control may have 50 or more functions. Yet, viewers seldom use more than a few of those capabilities because they do not understand what the buttons do. Better remote…