It is very tempting to take a laptop computer on location for live recording. It can work fine — until it doesn’t. Laptops, by their very nature, are more fragile and prone to failure than other recording devices. Be careful that you’re not the victim.
No memory card manufacturer has ever gotten a complaint about a card being too fast. Today, video cameras continually feature higher resolution and less compression, resulting in the need for cards of greater speed and capacity. It is a game that is constantly changing.
In this age of environmental consciousness, many companies often claim to be “eco-friendly” and concerned about the future of our planet, but it winds up being marketing slogan and little more.
As cameras have gotten smaller, so have the support accessories that allow them to be used creatively in production shoots. One interesting area is tabletop tripods, which are very light in weight but can often support fairly robust cameras.
If you’re like me, making sense of evolving computer standards like Thunderbolt 3 and USB-C is confusing. These standards seem to change often and sometimes when plugging things in that ought to work, they don’t work at all. It’s all in the details. Here’s an overview of where w…
JEDEC, the standards group for the microelectronics industry, has announced the UFS 3.0 flash storage standard, which allows speeds of 2.9 GB/s and lower power consumption. It paves the way for 8K video on smartphones.
If UHD is going to become a mainstream broadcast medium, we’ll need to be able to monitor, edit and review it. But can we?
As any photographer or camera assistant will confess, a dead or dying battery during production quickly becomes a crisis. To avoid the predicament and maintain top performance from your kit of batteries here are some tips.
Elon Musk’s 2018 Tesla roadster was recently launched on an interplanetary space trip, complete with a multi-camera, ride-along, streaming-live-from-space view on YouTube. Some say it’s the longest and most expensive automobile commercial ever made. Others see it as a bizarre marketing gimmick. Either way, it put the Tesla name a…
With ATSC 3.0 poised to change the broadcast industry’s basic signal, we need to understand this signal is poised between HD and true 4K.