Bruce’s Shorts | 4.19 - IP Streaming vs. the SDI Empire

Will Internet Protocol replace the TV Empire’s Evil Serial Digital Interface? Will you have to refer to your new router as the Death Star? Watch this episode to learn more.

Bruce Devlin, chief scientist at Dalet, takes a wry look at the business case to migrate from the legacy SDI infrastructure to the new IP systems.

The IP streaming revolution needs a few things to make it happen:

  • The right economic climate,
  • Trust in the IP solution,
  • And a bit of luck—no plan survives initial engagement.

Companies will only adopt I if there are clear benefits. Here are some:

  • COTS, consumer, off-the-shelf hardware and software, which delivers shorter development times, flexibility, and cost is lower,
  • An IP connection can carry one of many channels,
  • Mobile kit becomes easier to design.

Watch Bruce’s succinct overview of the new world of IP.

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