MAM: maximize the value of your media, minimize your costs

Funnily enough, we’re all Media Asset Managers. There’s the pile of LPs under the record player, the CDs on the shelf, the MP4s you (legally no doubt) downloaded during the glorious years of widespread downloads, and then your iTunes collection. Then there are your photos. The ones nicely organized on your drive, the ones archived using 6 different directory schemes across 7 backup drives, and the 3 sets you promised to merge in from your spouse and kids. Let’s face it, it’s wonderful, but it’s a mess. Oddly enough, this is not too different from how media is managed in major media companies. Assets are distributed across multiple locations, organized following different schemes, and it can often be hard to find and use an asset in one place if it was created in another. This is because like at home, the organization has grown organically over time to accommodate different needs.

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