Standards: Part 26 - An Introduction To Metadata

Here we describe how metadata facilitates your asset workflow and distribution. It keeps track of your products in the archives so they can be re-purposed and monetized later.

This article is part of our growing series on Broadcast Standards.

The first 26 articles are now available in  Broadcast Standards – The Book.

This high-level introduction describes how metadata affects the entire lifecycle of media assets. Imaging and sound recording theory describes many subtle properties for the assets. The rabbit hole is very deep. Sufficient detail is necessary to manage visual effects post production and workflow processing effectively.

If you neglect to gather metadata at any stage, forensic reconstruction may sometimes be possible. If the data is truly lost, it is gone forever.

What Is Metadata?

Video and audio recordings are described as Essence Data. They are the embodiment of the content in a tangible form.

Anything else that is not directly part of the playback process is Metadata.

There are few metadata standards and they only describe the core assets. This is sufficient for a basic content storage system. There are no metadata standards for workflow process control or lifecycle management. There are proprietary systems that do this, but they are not open-sourced.

Timed sub-title text is a special case that carries human readable text as essence data. It can also carry control signals, chapter marks and other descriptive information which is very much in the realm of metadata.

Metadata helps to make the best use of your content assets. Ideally, it should be developed in parallel with the essence format design.

The DublinCore Metadata Initiative

For a long time, the DublinCore Metadata Initiative (DCMI) has been the most well-known and often quoted example of a metadata standard. The EBU has adopted DublinCore and enhanced it to create their own metadata standard (EBUCore). Public Service Broadcasters in America have derived PBCore from DCMI. Parts of the DCMI specification are also used in the EPUB standard for eBooks.

Start with DCMI for your own metadata designs because it encapsulates a description of the fundamentals. These are covered by high-level element types originally defined in 1995. In 2000 the standard was revised to allow extensibility and controlled vocabularies. Many more properties were added in 2008 and the metadata terms were redefined as Resource Description Framework (RDF) properties. Additional inherited RDF classes are used to define domains and range limits for the DCMI properties. RDF is a W3C standard and this helps with deployment on the Internet.

Alternatives To DCMI

Whilst DCMI is a useful standard, many additional properties may need to be recorded at each stage of a workflow. Other schemas might suggest enhancements to the foundational DCMI:

Schema Description
EAD Encoded Archival Description used for general purpose archiving.
DDI Data Documentation Initiative is focused on Social Sciences but may yield some useful insights into archiving.
CDWA Categories for the Description of Works of Art may be relevant as it pertains to visual assets.
VRA Core The Visual Resources Association describes cultural visual artefacts.
CSDG Provides insights into geographic information.
NISO MIX The Z39.87 standard describes digital still images.
MPEG-7 This is the ISO standard for describing multimedia.
EBU-CCDM The EBU Class Conceptual Data Model describes programs in their different phases during creation.
EBUCore The EBUCore metadata set for audiovisual content derived from DublinCore.
RDF Descriptions of Web Resources from W3C.


The EBU describes other broadcasting and media related metadata specifications here:

Proprietary Designs

Although it has never been published as a standard, one of the most complete schemas was inside Apple's long discontinued Final Cut Server product. This was originally based on the Proximity Artbox product. Final Cut Server described over 1200 different properties belonging to a media asset. Used selectively, they were axes on which the media library could be filtered and searched. This was a very sophisticated media librarian.

Some properties described deeply technical aspects of the footage such as shutter and aperture settings. Others pertained to the ingest of movie film including the text burned into the edge of the film substrate.

Interestingly, some of these obscure metadata properties are also present in the macOS Spotlight search engine and can be selected for use in your own searches from the Finder:

Outside-in Design Process

Study all the available resources and design your own schema. This is not a trivial exercise and requires competent database design skills as well as a robust knowledge of media internals.

Reverse the design process for your content workflow by documenting the user facing application first. The metadata and database model are then governed by the requirements of the client player.

Work backwards so that each process in your workflow defines the metadata to be collected by the preceding process steps. This reveals parts of the design that require further refinement. Discovering omissions early creates a more reliable product. It needs less maintenance and exhibits fewer problems for the end-user.

Visualize the database table design in an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to work out where tables are related to one another. Make the connections which define the joins in your SQL queries.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is recommended and leads to a collection of Object Modelling Diagrams derived from the ERD. These should also describe the state changes your model undergoes and any transaction sequences for messaging and communications protocol design.

The Object Management Group has created the Unified Modelling Language (UML) as a standardized approach to building object models. The current version is 2.5.1 and an earlier version was adopted as ISO 19501. Although UML is declining in popularity, it still has some useful ideas to offer.

Develop your own modelling conventions based on previously published work. Document them and apply them consistently throughout the project.

Complete the metadata and database model design before writing any code to shorten the development time.

Metadata Categories

A program proceeds through the workflow and is eventually scheduled for delivery to the consumer. Metadata describes the production processes, the commercial and revenue generating aspects, scheduling and delivery.

Creating a single database table to satisfy the requirements for all of these would lead to an unwieldy design with hundreds of redundant columns. Many columns are only needed for part of the lifecycle.

Good business logic design separates each stage of production into its own table. Connect them together with RDBMS joins during a SQL query.

This is a spine and role record model. Attach any role records when you need them. Some of them might not exist until late in the creative or deployment process.

The requirements are different for each part of a media item lifecycle. Each stage is represented by a different role:

Role Description
Shooting Capture everything about the location. for every clip, log the camera type, lens, aperture and settings. Record the film stock used and capture the developing characteristics which will affect film-grain size and hence image quality. These are vital for post production. The GPS location, date and time is important for searches.
Rights clearances Gather information pertaining to where the footage can be distributed. You may also need clearances for background music or content being displayed in a TV screen in the scene. Log all of these items when the scene is shot or identify them later. This is important for legal reasons.
Editing & post-production Create a manifest of clips that were sourced and edited into the footage. Metadata can be acquired from them during the edit to conform and color grade the final package for a consistent look. Keep track of the modification history. Metadata allows you to work non-destructively.
Program compilation Build the necessary metadata to support the EPG and search functions in the streaming or broadcast service. Tag things appropriately as members of a series. Note carefully the episode order and season number.
Client player support Define how the content will be presented to the end-user. Configure HDR, Filmmaker Mode and aspect-ratio attributes so the player can respond correctly.
Streaming deployment Consult the delivery specifications for your customer's ingest process and provide the supporting metadata that they require.
Broadcast deployment Allocate times in the schedule and attach the program with its EPG metadata so it can be advertised and the program description used in the popup info box on the receiving TV.
Commercial exploitation Allocate an ISAN number to the finished program. Define the commercial terms for licensing the content to your customers. This is important for syndication or creation of physical media products.
Advertising breaks Define where these are and link to slates or interstitial assets that should be delivered with the program. Choose sensible time-code locations at scene breaks.
Usage analytics As the content is played by the end-user, track their viewing behavior. Note whether they saw the entire program or exited early. Collect any other data that your commercial team will need to assess whether the program merits follow up seasons or episodes.
Asset library functions Manage the collection of related assets. This includes component clips and raw footage as well as finished programs. Keep records of when the item has been requested for research purposes, re-broadcast or as extracts to be included in new programs.
Archiving Design an efficient and very long-term archiving regime gathering everything known about the assets. Note whether the content is redacted for security, political, historical, commercial or safeguarding reasons. Some celebrities featured in archived assets cannot ever again be presented on-screen. Suitably tagging the archives avoids embarrassment.


Hints, Tips, Pitfalls & Gotchas

Here are a few suggestions based on real projects:

Last minute agonies - Metadata design is sometimes left until very late in the project. Likewise, documentation is often a last-minute exercise and is sometimes not done at all. This has serious consequences for your project and compromises the maintenance later on. Conceptually, the documentation is another kind of metadata, perhaps in a less structured format.

Wasted effort - Only capture information that is genuinely required to avoid wasting effort and resources.

Potential data loss - The media business exists as separate silos of expertise. The kind of metadata collected at each stage may only apply during that part of the lifecycle but it might affect things much later. The importance of the metadata being collected is not always apparent at the point of collection. It is often not captured because the operators at that point in the lifecycle have no use for it themselves.

Collaboration - The on-location shooting team cannot know what the deployment team will need without their help and advice. Collaboration and information sharing is necessary to keep everyone informed. Publish a manifest of metadata that is needed with actions on the team that can collect it most efficiently.

Too much detail - Avoid overusing modelling diagrams down to a fine-grained level. They are helpful when looking at the bigger picture but can hinder development progress if they are overused.

Not enough detail - If the metadata includes the film grain size (possibly based on the film stock and developing techniques used), an optimal scanning resolution and dynamic range can be chosen when digitizing old movie film. Smaller grain sizes give better resolution but are less sensitive to light. Adjust the brightness, contrast and dynamic range automatically to compensate.

Keep all the documents - Interactive presentations or extras on a DVD product, rely on behind the scenes material being gathered and logged during the shoot. Retain all the unused footage, paperwork and notes.

Huge benefits for free - A natural history unit was able to create a six-part series using footage that had not been previously broadcast. This saved money by not needing to send out a film crew and was only possible because the footage was accurately logged and marked as unused.

Silly mistakes - A news package editor substituted 'nice looking' background scenery from an earlier job. They did not know that the GPS metadata would be transcribed into a footer in the client player showing the location of the shot. In the middle of a high-profile news item, the strap-line suddenly described the location as being somewhere else entirely. The news outlet's credibility was damaged because the editor was unaware of the downstream processes. Check and clean the metadata in the finished product and ensure everyone fully understands the pipeline where it will be routed.

Important Metadata Standards

This is a list of the most relevant and helpful standards. Not all of these are for media applications. They may contain fragments of useful information to help you design a metadata model.

Standard Version Description
DCMI 2008 DublinCore Metadata Initiative described in RDF. This is the latest definitive description.
RDF 2014 Resource Description Framework designed by W3C. Version 1.1 is current.
ISO 15836 2017 Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI).
RFC 5013 2007 Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) published by the IETF.
Z39.85 2013 Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) published by ANSI/NISO.
EBUCore 2020 EBUCore is a set of descriptive and technical metadata based on the Dublin Core.
EBU CCDM 2020 The EBU Class Conceptual Data Model describes the various lifecycle stages for a media item.
EBUCorePlus 2023 The next generation that supersedes EBUCore and EBU CCDM.
PBCore 2015 Based on DublinCore and used in America for the management of assets used in Public Service Broadcasting.
ISO 2709 2008 MAchine-Readable Cataloguing (MARC). Designed for bibliographic data management by the Library of Congress.
ISO 3901 2001 Definition of an ISRC.
ISO 10957 2021 Definition of an ISMN.
ISO 15706 2002 Definition of an ISAN.
ISO 15706-1 2007 Definition of a V-ISAN.
ISO 15707 2022 Definition of an ISWC.
ISO 15938 - MPEG-7 - Content description metadata (Multiple separate parts published).
ISO 16684-1 2019 Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) - Data model.
XMP 2019 Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform.
ISO 16684-2 2014 Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) - Description of XMP schemas using RELAX NG. Reconfirmed in 2020.
ISO 17316 2015 Definition of an ISLI.
ISO 19115 2014 A standard for identifying geographic locations. This could be used for tagging footage shot on location.
ISO 19501 2005 Unified Modelling Language (UML) version 1.4.2. Currently under review.
UML 2017 OMG has developed a later version (2.5.1) but this is not widely adopted.
ISO 20775 2009 Describes how to record the holdings in an archive system. This standard describes how to manage physical and electronic assets.
ISO 21000 - MPEG-21 - Rights control for access to content (Multiple separate parts published).
ISO 23002 - MPEG-C - MPEG Media Tool Library. (Multiple separate parts published).
ISO 23091 - MPEG-CICP - Coding- independent code points (Multiple separate parts published).
ISO 23950 1998 Describes the Z39.50 interface for integrating remote databases with a central search engine process.
ISO 25577 2013 Information and documentation — MarcXchange. An XML formatted version of the MARC data format.
ISO 27729 2024 Definition of an ISNI.
ISO 27730 2012 Definition on an ISCI.
RFC 4646 2006 Tags for Identifying Languages.
RFC 8866 2021 SDP: Session Description Protocol.
SDP 2021 Session Description Protocol. Standardized by the IETF. See RFC 8866.
ST 2110-41 2024 SMPTE ST 2110 Fast Metadata.
EXIF 2023 Metadata embedded in image files. Usually created by the camera that took the picture. Originally developed for still photographs. Version 3.0 is the latest revision.
ISAN 2002 International Standard Audiovisual Number. This uniquely identifies a program or episode of a series. You would occasionally see these on the end credits. It is conceptually similar to the ISBN used to identify books and the ISSN for magazines. See ISO 15706.
ISMN 2021 International Standard Music Number. See ISO 10957.
ISRC 2001 International Standard Recording Code for identifying sound recordings. See ISO 3901.
ISWC 2022 International Standard Musical Work Code for identifying musical works. See ISO 15707.
ISLI 2015 International Standard Link Identifier for connecting assets together using links. See ISO 17316.
ISNI 2024 International Standard Name Identifier for identifying individuals who are contributors to content assets. See ISO 27729.
IPI Code IPI Code The Interested Party Information code is used when tracing rights holders. It replaces the earlier CAE identifiers. Use this code to identify all works relating to an individual. Used with ISWC numbers. See ISO 27730.
ISCI 2012 International Standard Collection Identifier. See ISO 27730.
V-ISAN 2007 An ISAN code with the version number filled in. The version number is usually set to a string of zero characters otherwise. See ISO 15706 part 2.
SQL 2023 First released in 1974. Subsequently standardized by ANSI and ISO. Most database systems diverge from the standard in various ways so code needs to be ported carefully when moving to a different database engine.
CQL 2023 Context Query Language. Designed to be a human readable query language for searching web indexes, bibliographic archives and collections of assets. This is much easier to use than SQL. Google implements something similar for web searches.
Z39.50 2003 Standards for CQL managed by the Library of Congress. This standard pre-dates the World-Wide-Web and is being worked on to make it more relevant to modern users.
5G-Media - Standards for delivery of media over 5G. Work in progress by the 5G PPP organization.
PREMIS 2015 An international standard for metadata to support the preservation of digital objects and ensure their long-term usability. It is developed by the American Library of Congress in collaboration with other organizations.



Streaming services require significantly more metadata than traditional broadcast ever required. It becomes increasingly important as content is shared between organizations.

Previously, job knowledge and scribbled notes were sufficient when programs were expected to air just once and never be seen again. Traditional broadcast lacked a communications channel back to the service provider so monitoring analytical data was conducted on an estimated best-efforts basis. Modern streaming platforms can very accurately measure the viewing statistics and report back instantly.

Content is now available indefinitely and the so called 'long-tail-economy' ensures that it can continue to generate valuable revenue long after it has been aired. This can only work to your benefit if you have maintained the necessary metadata to license and re-distribute your content. Repurposing to new platforms that do not yet exist is also only possible if the supporting metadata allows it.

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