Venera Technologies To Showcase Its Latest A/V And Caption Solutions At IBC 2024

Major enhancements for its A/V QC solutions, cloud native Quasar and on-prem Pulsar, and its caption QC, cloud native CapMate, will be on display at IBC 2024.

Venera Technologies is proud to announce a long list of enhancements and new features for its A/V and Caption solutions, as well as a new product launch, for IBC 2024.

Groundbreaking features for both Quasar and its on-premise counterpart, Pulsar, will be demonstrated at the show that further solidify their value for the QC operators:

  • QR code detection
  • Audio profanity detection (Quasar only)
  • Voice-over validation (Quasar only)
  • Audio language detection (Quasar only)
  • Sync verification of dub audio track and main audio track
  • Support for QC report in EBU QC standards format
  • Expanding alert categories to include ‘Critical, Error, Warning, and Info’
  • Dynamic template assignment via API (Quasar only)

Venera will also demonstrate a long list of enhancements for CapMate, its cloud native caption/subtitle verification and correction solution, amongst them: 

  • Support for caption Sync detection in 70 languages
  • Caption Translation into 54 languages
  • Caption auto-correction and export
  • Crosscheck of audio/caption language
  • Burnt-in text detection for oriental languages
  • Collaboration and project sharing amongst CapMate users within the same entity

Venera will also introduce and demonstrate QCtudio, its new innovative cloud native solution, that unleashes the power of rich review & collaboration on QC reports and as the ultimate companion to Quasar, Venera’s cloud native A/V QC solution. With QCtudio the QC operators can not only review the detailed Quasar reports on a video timeline, but they can also verify, categorize and annotate each of the found issues, making the QC reports a more valuable and useful document. 

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