Chyron Releases Version 4.9 Of Its PRIME Live Production Engine

Designed to drive the world’s most demanding data-driven sports and news production workflows, Chyron PRIME 4.9 boasts an array of updates, both large and small, that significantly enhance the operator experience — and improve operator efficiency — in designing and playing out complex graphics that pull information from real-time data sources. Along with control panel and focus improvements, the platform offers even more extensive data integration and management capabilities, faster and more convenient workflows for creating and modifying large tables, and a series of features that combine to streamline and accelerate workflows built on SMT real-time sports data.

Simplifying Complex Data-Driven Graphics
With PRIME 4.9, the table resource can integrate with the full range of industry-standard data sources — such as text files, standard Excel files, web-based JSON data, online databases, and much more — enabling designers to leverage and customize their preferred data all within the PRIME application.

Another significant feature addition is PRIME 4.9's new Duplicate Effect, which eliminates the process of arduous cell-by-cell data-binding when building table graphics with multiple rows and columns linked to data. This new feature recognizes links between a graphic element and an entry in a data set, allowing designers to duplicate that graphic element multiple times with links to the subsequent data values in your connected source. The Duplicate Effect is a huge time-saver for designers who need to create leaderboards and other data-driven list graphics.

Improving the Design and Playout Experience
Working closely with customers to identify quality-of-life improvements that will have the most significant time-saving impact for day-to-day users, the PRIME team has made numerous improvements to the design and play-out interfaces in Version 4.9.

For designers, new adaptability features enable zoom-in on keyframes, easily organized keyframe control actions, and rapid renaming of objects throughout the scene tree — making it far easier to manage scenes with multiple, precisely timed animations. Additionally, new frame quality settings for PRIME’s preview channels enable designers working with media-heavy graphics or demanding 4K monitor wall environments to prioritize system performance on the primary program output.

Meanwhile, PRIME playout operators will find that new control panel keyboard improvements enable efficient control of multiple graphic channels without having to use a mouse. To further accelerate operations during fast-paced productions, PRIME can import/export play out configuration settings to quickly shift to a new show.

Optimizing Live Production Workflows
Beyond the PRIME user experience, Version 4.9 also brings new opportunities to streamline production workflows. A new GPI IN functionality enables third-party control of PRIME playout from third-party devices — such as a video switcher — via a general-purpose interface. Meanwhile, hardware bypass workflows no longer require external hardware, with support for direct bypass through supported Matrox I/O cards with PRIME. Finally, a major improvement for top-tier broadcasters leveraging real-time SMT data. PRIME 4.9 delivers new features to provide reliable, direct connections to SMT data applications, ensure accurate collection, and filter out unwanted values from integration with graphics.

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