Audio For Broadcast: Part 2 - Broadcast Audio Capture

Part 2 of Audio For Broadcast is a collection of four articles which discuss microphone technology, mic selection, wireless systems, I/O and recording devices.

About 'Audio For Broadcast'

This series is not aimed at audio A1’s, it is intended as a reference resource for the ‘all-rounder’ engineers and operators who encounter and must deal with audio on a day-to-day basis but who are not audio specialists… and everyone who wants to broaden their knowledge of how audio for broadcast works.

In our frenetic and challenging working lives, more and more jobs are multi-skilled and adaptive, and we’re often expected to cover more functions than we are comfortable with. We can’t all be experts. Sometimes you don’t need to know everything about something. Sometimes we just need enough knowledge to get the job done.

Audio For Broadcast will publish in five parts during 2023. Details of all five parts can be found HERE.

About Part 2. Broadcast audio Capture

Part 2 is a free PDF download containing 4 articles:

Article 1 : Microphones Part 1 - Polar Patterns
Here we look at microphone polar patterns and what to consider when planning how to capture sounds to create gripping broadcast content.

Article 2 : Microphones Part 2 - Type Of Mic
Polar patterns play a big part in designing the sound for a programme, and they apply to all microphones. The next step is to ascertain what kind of microphone to use.

Article 3 : Wireless Microphones In Broadcasting
Our partner Sennheiser discuss why wireless microphone technology is a natural fit within broadcast production and TV-UHF technology brings additional reliability through dedicated frequency access.

Article 4 : I/O & Recording Devices
We explore the basics of physical connectivity & signal management encountered in broadcast audio systems alongside the destination recording devices.

Part of a series supported by

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