RAI Creates New Flagship Mixing Space With Genelec The Ones

Italy’s state broadcaster RAI has upgraded the music studio at its Fabrizio Frizzi television studios in Rome. The project has seen the studio add new 5.1 surround and stereo systems, based around Genelec’s ‘The Ones’ three-way coaxial Smart Active Monitors.
To meet the needs of the broadcaster, Midiware, Genelec's Italian distributor, specified two 8351 monitors combined with a pair of W371 Adaptive Woofer Systems for the stereo setup. Meanwhile, the 5.1 surround system consists of five 8341 monitors and a 7370 subwoofer. The room benefits further from acoustic treatment from Artnovion. By selecting Smart Active Monitors, the broadcaster was able to see further benefits in the room thanks to GLM calibration software.
As part of a large broadcast complex, the studio is used every day by a variety of engineers. As such, GLM provided further advantages for the broadcaster. “The ability to change between different calibration setups really helps in this case, because they have several people working there and each engineer can fine-tune everything and recall it in a moment,” explains Gino De Dominicis, Pro Audio product manager and Genelec product specialist at Midiware. “They can switch between the systems with confidence every time. Properly calibrated rooms help engineers to do their jobs better. Not only the quality of the audio from a listening perspective, but the features and the tools you have inside GLM allow you to work better in a professional studio like this.”
The fully calibrated studio has proved popular with RAI’s management and the engineers who have experienced the space, and perhaps most importantly though, this project may have inspired RAI to upgrade further facilities.
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