Evertz And Studer Take Audio Into The IP Domain

Studer Audio will feature prominently on the Evertz stand at IBC 2022 where the company will highlight exciting additions and upgrades to this famous product range.
Studer has been an iconic audio brand for more than 70 years, with the Vista digital mixing consoles found in the control rooms of the world’s most prestigious and modern broadcast facilities.
Over the past few months, Evertz has focused on integrating the legendary Studer technology into its own live production workflows. Studer Vista digital consoles and Infinity Core audio mixing and processing are now part of Evertz Software Defined Video Networking (SDVN) solutions, which are leading the industry’s transition to IP. These developments making an enormous difference to customers as they can now access complete solutions for IP-based video and audio production.
On stand 1.F76 in Hall 1, Evertz will introduce the Vista 1 Carbon, a 22 fader, all in one, compact console that is the latest addition to the well-established Studer Vista console range. Designed for live events, broadcasts, remote and Outside Broadcast (OB) productions, Vista consoles are both flexible and powerful, boasting a Digital Signal Processing engine that offers over 1,000 channels and busses, and more than 6,000 physical I/O. By utilizing the same application software across the entire range, Studer gives customers an easy transition from one console to another, whether they are working on the new Vista 1 Carbon or the 72 fader, fully redundant flagship Vista X.
In addition Evertz will also be showing the new Studer Infinity-ST server core, which features a new CoreLink card audio interface that provides both IP based ST2110-30 and Studer proprietary A-link native connectivity. With more than 6000 inputs and outputs, the Infinity ST1100’s cutting edge CPU technology also boasts 1100 simultaneous DSP channels and busses to mix, while the Infinity ST550 provides a cost effective alternative for those not needing the high level horsepower. The Infinity-ST series maintains Studer’s sample-locked 100% redundancy option giving today’s high pressure, high stakes productions the protection it demands.
Completing the Evertz Studer line up for IBC is the Micro Series – a high end digital audio mixing system in a compact, cost effective package that give users everything they need in one box.
Comprised of the core unit, a graphical user interface and an optional fader control surface, the Micro Series is ideal for radio and TV broadcast, production studios, ENG/DSNG and more. Its convenient HTML5-based user interface means that the Studer Micro can be fully controlled from the web browser on virtually any tablet or computer.
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