MainStreaming Partners With LCL To Facilitate Data Streaming
The collaboration will see MainStreaming facilitate data streaming transfer through Belgian-based data center company, LCL’s five independent data centers to a user-base of millions; all end-users of LCL clients across Europe.
As a Data Center company, LCL is not only concerned with how its customers' data is stored, but also how effectively and efficiently data can enter and leave the hub. Partnering with MainStreaming allows them to ensure that their services are maximised in terms of efficiency and reliability - particularly when it comes to the handling of video streams, which constitute the main focus of MainStreaming, who differentiate themselves from generic CDNs by virtue of their video-specific approach to data handling.
MainStreaming will provide broadcast-grade video streaming for LCL, achieving 10-bit digital signal with a noise ratio >60 dB across all major formats, with a resolution that meets or exceeds the traditional 560 TV lines. Obtaining this level of video quality with reliable movement across the network and seamless delivery to audiences is the core of MainStreaming’s service provision; allowing them to deliver a much higher level of quality and certainty than competitors through their use of adaptive algorithms in the form of the Intelligent Media Delivery Platform (iMDP). The iMDP facilitates automated, real-time decisions based on a continuous flow of metrics relating to both network traffic and viewer/user demand, and resultantly facilitate optimised data-path choice based around the efficient accommodation of fluctuating low-volume to peak distribution.
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