MGX Studios Use Disguise To Drive F1 Promo

To advertise the launch of the Istanbul Financial Center (IFC), Istanbul production company Autonomy partnered with auto racing’s Formula 1 on a commercial featuring virtual production by MGX Studios using disguise servers.

The commercial features extreme close-ups of a Formula 1 race car cockpit, complete with revving sound design, as the vehicle speeds through Istanbul and glimpses of the IFC are reflected on the driver’s helmet visor.

According to MGX Studios’ Virtual Production Operations Coordinator, Mete Mümtaz, “the main goal was to achieve perfect reflections and background lighting – basically, that's why Autonomy decided to shoot the commercial in our studio instead of on a greenscreen stage. It was much easier and quicker to create exactly what they wanted using virtual production. The whole LED setup, consisting of LED side panels, a back wall and ceiling, allowed us to capture immersive reflections with every single shot.”

The shoot was supported by Unilumin Upad III LED walls, three Brompton Tessera SX40 LED processors, a Mo-Sys camera tracking system, Unreal Engine, and three disguise vx 2s and one vx 1.

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