Significant Emergency Information Research Study Released

New consumer-facing research from the NextGen Video Information Systems Alliance (NVISA), sponsored by Sinclair Broadcast Group’s subsidiary, ONE Media 3.0, offers the first insight into which features American consumers want most in a NextGen Broadcast-enabled emergency information service.

Surveyed consumers selected features of a new advanced emergency information app that would motivate them to use it. Significantly, those features are already built into the NextGen Broadcast rollout.

Important findings confirm that targeted emergency information is highly desirable:

  • Almost two-thirds of American consumers want “the ability to receive geo-targeted alerts.”
  • Over half chose “the ability to select only the alerts they want to receive.”
  • Over half of Americans also chose “the ability to opt into a constantly updated stream of emergency information.”
  • Almost half of consumers want “a system that keeps working when their Internet goes down.”
  • More than a third want “a system that keeps working when their cellular phone service goes down.”

The costs of such targeted services were not seen as a deterrent. When asked how much more they would be willing to pay for their next mobile phone purchase so it could do an outstanding job delivering critical information in an emergency, almost two thirds of American consumers said they would pay an extra $5, and almost half said they would pay an extra $10.

The study confirmed that local TV broadcasters are a crucial resource for communities during emergencies. TV news is unique because it is the only information resource that consumers rate highly as both a "first stop,” the first place American consumers turn to after hearing of a local threat, and also as an ongoing source of emergency information.

The study also documented business growth potential for broadcasters and app developers in the mobile environment that NextGen Broadcast will enable. 

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