RIST Forum And SipRadius Launch Free Compatibility Test Server

The Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) Forum has launched a test application server to allow vendors to test their RIST implementations at no charge. The test server is hosted by RIST and managed by SipRadius.

The compatibility test platform uses libRIST and the CoralOS, SipRadius’ proprietary linux flavor. LibRIST is a free, open-source library with licensing that encourages developers to add the RIST protocol to their applications, The CoralOS, in addition to RIST services, provides a web interface for configuration and media services to produce, ingest and playback the developers’ RIST transported streams.

The RIST Forum is an industry group dedicated to facilitating and promoting the adoption of the RIST protocol, the only protocol designed for delivering premium broadcast-grade content over the public internet, without losing quality. It ensures that video content will be reliably delivered to audiences, regardless of bandwidth limitations.

Ciro Noronha, President, RIST Forum, commented: “The new test platform gives developers the ability to do much more than just RIST testing. It enables basic video routing with no transcoding and promotes confidence monitoring through webrtc playback.”

Sergio Ammirata, Managing Director of SipRadius, added: “The RIST protocol and libRIST provide a robust solution for low-latency live video over unmanaged networks. It is developed by a group of experts, meaning users benefit from a broader range of real-world experiences than a single-vendor solution. The new test server ensures that members can implement the RIST specification confidently.” 

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