​Iconik Used For Remote Production Of Feature Film ‘Boon’

Indie release Boon, a Western filmed on location in Washington State, USA was shot using virtual production techniques. This ensured the number of on-site production staff were kept to a minimum. The Iconik MAM was used to manage footage during the project, enabling workflow continuity and remote collaboration.

Derek Presley, Director, Boon commented: “Integrating Iconik into our workflow on this film was a game-changer. It allowed me to easily review footage on-set with the cinematographer and change the shooting schedule accordingly. The ability to access and share raw footage almost immediately, allowed us to make adjustments to the production in ways that can really save a film.”

Parham Azimi, CEO, Iconik, added: “We have seen an increase in demand for remote production solutions, especially over the last year with COVID creating barriers for a traditional approach to film-making. Iconik is an easy-to-use platform that enables teams to continue creating, editing, and distributing media content despite the challenges of the pandemic. It is designed to enable seamless, secure management and distribution of media files regardless of location.”

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