Essential Guide: Flexible IP Monitoring

April 16th 2021 - 09:30 AM
Tony Orme, Editor, The Broadcast Bridge

Video, audio and metadata monitoring in the IP domain requires different parameter checking than is typically available from the mainstream monitoring tools found in IT. The contents of the data payload are less predictable and packet distribution more tightly defined leading to the need to use specialist media stream centric monitoring tools.

Monitoring for broadcast is inherently more challenging than those used on generic enterprise IP networks as the dynamic nature of video and audio demands the essence streams be displayed on video monitors and heard on loudspeakers for it to make any sense.

This Essential Guide, with a sponsor’s perspective from Telestream, looks at why monitoring video, audio and metadata essence streams is more challenging in broadcast IP networks than those traditionally used in IT.

Packet spacing, stream decoding and metadata alignment all make greater demands on monitoring. Although we’ve now gone way beyond the features offered by waveform monitors and vectorscopes, they are still incredibly important to us, and they must now be adapted so they can be used within the context of integrated ST2110 IP networks.

Download this Essential Guide now if you are an engineer, technologist or their managers and you want to better understand how you can achieve integrating monitoring of IP networks with streaming video, audio and metadata in broadcast media facilities.

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