SES Selects Telestream SDI/IP Waveform Monitor & QC At New Remotely Operated Playout Center

Leading global content connectivity solutions provider SES has selected Telestream to provide system timing, waveform monitor and quality control (QC) technology to a new remote broadcast center in Stockley Park, Greater London.

As a part of the services it delivers, Telestream is providing its SPG8000A sync generators for system timing applications throughout the new playout center. Its PRISM SDI/IP waveform monitor is also being used for all video monitoring and QC applications throughout the center’s distribution workflows.

SES’s new broadcast center provides playout infrastructure for linear TV channels and is capable of supporting HD formats and HDR services. Despite the data center being based in London, the network management is operated by SES teams in Munich. Telestream products play a critical role in making a remotely managed solution viable and ensuring seamless workflow.

In order to manage and maintain accurate system timing, SES chose SPG8000A sync generators with an ECO8000 change-over unit. Newly released firmware enables full remote operation through a web user interface, critical for remote operation including clock source changes between primary and backup. This product combination enables the SES teams in Munich to switch network timing sources or GPS receivers remotely without the need to be on-site in London to perform critical management and support tasks.

Additionally, SES selected the PRISM waveform monitors as their main tool for monitoring SDI signal quality and deep video analysis. Telestream’s “NoVNC Access” enables engineers in Munich to remotely operate and view all PRISM functions through a browser connection.

"When we developed PRISM platform, the primary goal was to help our customers address the un-chartered futures of UHD and IP packet-based infrastructures,” commented Charlie Dunn, Senior Vice President, Tek Business Unit at Telestream. “By using a ‘software defined’ approach this allowed us to adapt to the direction of the industry by working closely with early adopters like SES. Early on it became clear that remote-access was a key tenant to these customers’ IP transitions and, as a result, the remote-access of PRISM’s UI over the network has become one of its most valued capabilities."

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