FOR-A Switcher Drives Multi-Camera Production

Cubic Production's switcher.
Cubic Media Production, a broadcast and production company based in Abu Dhabi, UAE, has anchored its newest production vehicle with a FOR-A HVS-490 digital video switcher.
The truck has been booked for a variety of high-profile projects, from multi-camera production of professional football matches to last month’s coverage of the historic UAE Mars probe for Abu Dhabi TV.
Built last summer on a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van chassis, UNIT2 4K is a compact mobile unit that typically supports eight-camera HD or six-camera 4K productions. Feras Hamdan, managing partner and director of operations for Cubic, said the HVS-490 was perfect for the new truck, because it included features and options usually found in larger switchers. UNIT2 4K also uses all three of the switcher’s multi viewer outputs.
Beyond the HVS-490, UNIT2 4K also includes two FA-505 and three FA-9600 multi-channel signal processors which are mainly used to convert external sources to 4K during productions. However, the processors can also be used to synchronize inputs, embed and de-embed audio, provide color correction, and downconvert footage from 4K to HD or HD to SD. Other installed FOR-A gear includes the MFR-3000 and MFR-3232 routing switchers.
“You don’t get selected to produce live coverage of prime projects like the Mars probe unless your company is reliable and delivers high-quality work,” said Mohammed Abu Ziyadeh, FOR-A system engineering manager. “Cubic Production continues to put its trust in FOR-A products because they are dependable, affordable, and packed with features for HD and 4K workflows.”
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