Matrox VERO Now Supports PCAP Recording For ST 2110 Diagnosis

VERO ST 2110 signal generator and diagnostic appliance enables manufacturers and broadcasters to confidently validate ST 2110 environments.

“With PCAP recording integrated alongside a fully adjustable signal generator and signal diagnostics within one appliance, broadcasters, system integrators, and manufacturers can confidently validate ST 2110 equipment for compliance before deployment,” says Francesco Scartozzi, VP of sales and business development, Broadcast and Media Group at Matrox.

Among the benefits of VERO:

It offers an adjustable ST 2110 reference sender allowing users to test receiver compliance and resilience in ideal to worst-case scenarios.

It captures a "perfect replica" of network traffic—including UHD video flows—in a PCAP file for ST 2110 diagnosis.

It comes pre-installed with the European Broadcasting Union Live IP Software Toolkit (EBU LIST) diagnostic tool for user convenience and access.

It features two independent output channels, each capable of generating one video, up to four audio, and one ancillary data flows. Each of the two channels can also be dedicated to independent video resolutions and frame rates—up to UHD at 60 FPS—which allows ST 2110 equipment manufacturers to verify multiple resolutions simultaneously, including support of ST 2022-7.

“As the benefits of ST 2110 become more apparent, we are seeing an increasing number of broadcast facilities building out their ST 2110 workflows,” said Francesco Scartozzi, VP of sales and business development, Broadcast and Media Group. “The first step in building out their IP footprint is to build their ST 2110 sandbox. Early adopters of the Matrox VERO solution are seeing the immediate benefits of having one appliance generate a wide variety of ST 2110 signals, ultimately testing the robustness of the environment. And now with PCAP recording, this unit becomes even more powerful, capable of capturing network traffic further file analysis with the EBU List.”

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