Core Insights: Leveraging Cloud Operations For Live Broadcast

July 28th 2020 - 09:00 AM
Michael Grotticelli, The Broadcast Bridge

More broadcasters are seeing the benefits of moving their operations to the cloud, especially as we are becoming more reliant on remote working. But the transition isn’t necessarily a linear move and hybrid working practices help us balance the unique requirements of large media files and the flexibility cloud systems offer.

This Core Insight, written by Michael Grotticelli from The Broadcast Bridge, looks at both the business and technical aspects of cloud systems and discusses how they work in real life operations.

Sponsored by Telestream, this Core Insight uses real-time applications to demonstrate how cloud systems work for broadcasters. Hybrid is growing in popularity but applications in broadcasting are unique due to the intrinsic high capacity requirements of broadcast signals, Grotticelli discusses their applications and solutions from real life examples.

Download this Core Insight today if you want to understand how cloud and hybrid cloud can best deliver for your broadcast operation.

Aimed at managers, business analysts and technologists looking to expand their knowledge of cloud systems, this Core Insight provides practical information and advice from the teams who have made these systems work.

Download this Core Insight today.

Part of a series supported by

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