Essential Guide: OTT (or is it ABR?)

May 26th 2020 - 09:00 AM
Tony Orme, Editor at The Broadcast Bridge

Program delivery to mobile devices and smart televisions has fueled the growth for internet delivery. But one of the challenges broadcasters and media content providers face is that the internet was never originally designed to stream large amounts of video and audio with virtually no dropout or latency.

Consequently, engineers have developed solutions to make the best of an imperfect system and have succeeded in delivering high-quality streamed media over the internet. This in turn has led to some incredibly innovative and technological advances to provide resilient streamed media for a whole plethora of mobile and static viewing devices, from mobile phones to smart TVs.

This Essential Guide, written by guest author Tony Jones, Principal Technologist at MediaKind, describes the challenges OTT has to solve, and how. Digging deep into both the viewer requirements and technology that provides the solutions, Jones uncovers the inner workings of OTT and explains them in easy to understand and plain English.

Adaptive bit rate (ABR) is at the center of OTT delivery and Jones uncovers the detail of its operation and the implications this has for latency, as well as resilient and accurate delivery. CMAF, HLS, and chunk size optimization are all discussed to help engineers, technologists, and anybody looking to expand their knowledge of OTT and streaming media over the internet.

Download this Essential Guide today if you are an engineer, technologist, their manager, or somebody who needs to understand how we use OTT and why.

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