Essential Guide:  IP - The Final Frontier

November 8th 2018 - 01:00 PM
by Tony Orme, Technology Editor at The Broadcast Bridge

Today’s broadcast engineers face a unique challenge, one that is likely unfamiliar to these professionals. The challenge is to design, build and operate IP-centric solutions for video and audio content.

Yes, IP solutions have existed for many years, but seldom as core media solutions in broadcast and production facilities. In general, video and audio networks operated separately from a company’s IP networks. The IT staff handled the phones, printers, business computers and systems. Conversely, broadcast engineers worked tirelessly to keep the media network separate from ethernet connectivity and the internet. Times are changing.

A Better Way

Advancing IP technology and new IP standards are opening fantastic new opportunities for media networks. IP-centric solutions are here to stay and they bring exciting benefits to those engineers who understand the technology and then leverage it for their facilities.

But why are so many broadcast and IP professionals still scratching their heads about the opportunities? Why are technical teams yet hesitant to fully embrace IP? Perhaps it can be summarized by the phrase, “Fear of the unknown.”

To help overcome this information gap, The Broadcast Bridge has developed this Essential Guide, “IP – The Final Frontier.” Written by our Technology editor, Tony Orme, this guide focuses on helping the reader appreciate key differences and benefits of IP solutions. Some of the things you will learn in this guide.

● Understand IP systems, terms and technology

● Recognize key differences between how SDI and IP networks differ

● Implement security systems and policies to protect content

● Build firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, secure websites with Digital Certificates

● Technology explained with detailed flow charts and examples

● Migrating to IP

● Maintaining an Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

● Troubleshooting and deep monitoring of networks

● Cabling

● Making ST2110 work over IP, PTP

● Timing is everything

This tutorial breaks down the migration from SDI to IP into understandable steps. The author explains how to migrate to IP without requiring an expensive Greenfield solution.

Let this Essential Guide, “IP – The Final Frontier,” be your pathway to a successful IP tomorrow.

Part of a series supported by

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